Love not enough to make a marriage work - Hollywood Bollywood News Movies

Love has no major role to play in keeping couples together. In fact, the chances of a couple staying together are affected by age, previous relationships – and smoking.

That’s the conclusion of a new study, which was conducted by researchers at the Australian National University.

To reach the conclusion, boffins spent six years monitoring 2,500 couples who were married or living together, reports a news daily.

The study found that money played a major factor in deciding whether a couple stand the test of time. 

The study, entitled "What`s Love Got to Do With It", showed that a quarter of partnerships and marriages will end within six years and half will be over within 25 years. 

It also found that a husband who is nine or more years older than his wife is twice as likely to get divorced, as are husbands who get married before they turn 25. 

Couples were twice as likely to split if the wife had a much stronger preference for children or for more of them. Smoking and drinking rates also contributed to relationship breakdown, the study found.

12 Banned and Controversial TV Commercials - Hollywood Bollywood News Movies

Blind Man (Levis)

A banned commercial of Levis Jeans that aired in the United Kingdom, the setting is a public bathroom. A guy holding the white cane most of the time is not blind. He’s just holding the cane for the old man. But when that hot woman comes in and she starts changing in front of him because she thinks he’s blind, he’s not so stupid, honorable as to say, “Excuse me Miss, I think you have the wrong idea, here.” 

 Mother said I could (Hansaplast)

This banned condom commercial of Hansaplast tells the story of a boy who could do naughty stuff because his mother said so. It is later revealed that her mother was in a room concealed from view, having sex. In that moment the boy ask her mom who is in the state of ecstasy, her answer appears to be "Yes, yes, yes." 

 Strip Poker (Centrum)

A group of friends are playing a daring game of Str*p Poker, as they all watch one young girl about to remove her bra the lights go on and a man asks ‘Whats Going On’, then the ’sexy’ friends become a group of pensioners at a care home. As Centrum will make you feel young again. 

 Tidy Up (IKEA)

Ikea’s advertising campaign, “Tidy Up”, was first launched in France in September 2001. Several years on, the campaign continues to amuse. The five 30 second ads were designed to reach a new cohort of young adults who had grown up with IKEA and associated the furniture retailer with their parents’ generation. The campaign was translated from French to English and used throughout Europe. The super for each of the ads:

In English: “Tidy Up. (or Straighten Up) If you don’t do it for yourself, do it for others.”

In French: “Rangez. Si vous ne le faites pas pour vous, faites le pour les autres.”

Intriguingly, the IKEA Tidy Up ads have been described as “Banned” and “Extreme” wherever they’ve been posted on YouTube and Google. But there is no evidence that would back up these claims. 

 Super Bowl 2007 (Budweiser)

In this banned Super Bowl 2007 Bud commercial, a guy and girl are skinny dipping in a pool and people are watching them in from the bar. 

 Spontaneous Game of Shoot ‘Em Up (Xbox360)

In 2005, Microsoft made a "Jump In" ad for their Xbox 360 console that never aired. The ad, deemed too controversial, showed commuters on a subway platform playing "shoot ‘em up" with their fingers (Bang!). 

 "The Milkman" (Mastercard)

This is a Mastercard Commercial of the Priceless ad campaign. I suggest you also watch the original video if you want a good laugh. 

The commercial was a great spoof of the original but was banned because of the violence. 

 Windows XP unexpected experience (Microsoft)

In this Microsoft Windows XP Commercial, a couple was in the midst of foreplay. During the sexual act, the man tried to remove the bra using both his hands. Unfortunately after much struggle, he couldn’t unhook the bra strap. The barrier it turns out was a password, and it is revealed that this particular banned commercial was for the Microsoft Windows XP. Unexpected experience indeed. 

 Adam and Eve (Centraal Beheer) 

Centraal Beheer Achmea has another Appeldorn insurance moment in Adam and Eve. Eve wanders through the Garden of Eden, mesmerized by the beauty around her. When she meets Adam for the first time he looks stunning, at first. Rumor has it that the ad is not being broadcast due to sensitivities in the gay and religious communities. 

 Happy Parents (Universal Mobile)

Why it's so important to keep the mobile phone bills low? Universal Mobile made this controversial tv commercial to remember how important it's to keep the cellphone bills low. 

Did you notice at 0:15 when the right guy is trying to take his shirt? A little too strong for tv, but really funny. 

 Blackberry Shoots Apple (Blackberry)

This, shall we say, confrontational BlackBerry Storm ad by NY ad agency Guava has been making the rounds today, depicting a blackberry "bullet" taking a violent path through a familiar-seeming piece of fruit. An anonymous source told us that RIM considered it but eventually got cold feet -- and we can understand why. Nonetheless, it's an awesome bit of smack. 

 Kylie Minogue's mechanical bull (Agent Provocateur)

Moving on from the history lesson to the sexiest banned ad in recent memory: Kylie Minogue riding a mechanical bull in nothing but see-through lingerie. 

After Kylie thoroughly enjoys her time grinding on the bucking machine, she then asks for some participation from other men.

The 10 Greatest Screaming Lines In Movie History - Hollywood Bollywood News Movies

Most people really underestimate the power of screaming. People who scream a lot are the most successful people on this planet because they know how frightened most people are of screaming. If you learn to scream a lot, you can get anything you want in this world. Women use their screaming in a different way to get ahead in life but the principle idea is the same.

#10 "Get'em A Body Bag!" (The Karate Kid) - I think it's tragic that this lined isn't used more by sports announcers today. Granted, Marv Albert's "serves up the facial" is awesome" but every Lebron dunk should be followed by this mantastic sound bite.



#9 "Here's Johnny!" (The Shining) - It's a shame that this moment didn't lead to Jack Nicholson replacing Ed McMahon on the tonight show. Come to think of it, why the hell did Jack Nicholson never have his own late night talk show period.




#8 "I'm Tired Of These Mother F*cking Snakes On This Mother F*cking Plane!" (Snakes On A Plane) - One of the greatest screaming lines in the illustrious screaming career of Samuel L. Jackson.



#7 "Khaaaaan!" (Star Trek II: The Wrath Of Khan) - Next to his constant battle with space hemroids, this is the only time James T. Kirk ever lost his cool during his illustrious career as captain of the Starship Enterprise.


#6 "Give Me Back My Son!" (Ransom) - A screaming line so awesome that it made a lot of people go see one of Mel Gibson's worst movies ever.



 #5 "This Is Sparta!" (300) - They should play this soundbite at every bar every single night at 1:00 am so the men can get re-energized to convince marginally attractive women to go home and sleep with them.





#4 "Yes They Deserve To Die And I Hope They Burn In Hell!" (A Time To Kill) - It's the screaming line that Samuel Jackson was born to say.

#3 "I'm Mad As Hell And I'm Not Going To Take It Anymore!" (Network) - I find screaming this line is extremely useful during moments of extreme constipation.





#2 "You Can't Handle Truth!" (A Few Good Men) - How appropriate is it that Jack Nicholson screamed this line to the master of Scientology.



#1 "Say Hello To My Little Friend!" (Scarface) - This is perfect line for almost any screaming situation unless you're a man who is about to engage in sexual activity with a woman.

I only have eyes for Cheryl - Hollywood Bollywood News Movies

I'm not on the pool ... Ashley Cole and bikini babes

IT LOOKS like CHERYL COLE has finally got husband ASHLEY trained. 

He was relaxing in the hotel pool ahead of the Chelsea v Inter Milan friendly in Pasadena, California, when two girls swam by for a chat.

Girls Aloud babes ... Kimberley and Cheryl

He managed to cover his eyes with his hands to avoid looking at their bikini-clad bods - but maybe he was still taking a cheeky peek. 

Cheryl has got to be pleased that he's getting the right idea. 

She was ten miles away in Los Angeles, where she's recording a solo album. That's near enough to keep him on a very tight leash. 

WHILE CHERYL COLE grafts on her solo album, bandmate KIMBERLEY WALSH is working on her tan. 

The Bradford-born GIRLS ALOUD singer soaked up the rays in a strapless bikini during a romantic break in Hawaii with her fella JUSTIN SCOTT. 

Last month the singer was snapped sprawled out on a sun lounger in the Caribbean. 

No work aloud, Kim?

Bar Refaeli Parties with Brazilian Polo Player - Hollywood Bollywood News Movies

Bar Refaeli doesn't seem to be having trouble recovering from her breakup last month with Leonardo DiCaprio. 

The Israeli beauty was spotted July 22 partying with Brazilian polo player and entrepreneur Ricardo Mansur in the French Riviera town of Saint-Tropez. Mansur's playboy credentials are solid: his former flames reportedly include models Isabeli Fontana – and DiCaprio's former love interest, Gisele Bündchen. 

Refaeli, 23, who graced the cover of this year's Sports Illustrated swimsuit issue, was seen laughing, taking photos and drinking beer with Mansur. 

The new sighting comes just one month after Refaeli and DiCaprio, 34, an item for nearly three years, called it quits in June. At the time, a source close to the model told PEOPLE: "She wanted to move faster than he did – she wanted to move in together. So he broke it off." 

A rep for Refaeli wasn't immediately available for comment.

Wacky Wedding Wows the Web - Hollywood Bollywood News Movies


Talk about kicking up your heels. In a YouTube clip sweeping the Web, Minnesota couple Kevin Heinz and Jill Peterson, both 28, turned the traditional wedding processional into a Bollywood-esque dance sequence to Chris Brown's "Forever." 

Bridesmaids and groomsmen donned sunglasses, the bride twirled and shook her hips and the brown-suited groom somersaulted his way to the altar. 

Since the couple posted the video of their June 20 wedding, it has been watched more than 1.42 million times on YouTube. 

On a Today show appearance Friday, the couple said the routine was fairly spontaneous. Given only an hour and a half to rehearse, Peterson said, "People were sort of making it up as they went, people just got really into it and went for it. We just gave them a general layout." 

The dance sequence was Peterson's idea. "I danced growing up and was a dancer through college and loved dance as a way to express yourself and share joy. So it was something I always thought about doing." 

It took little effort to get Heinz on board: "[It was] the first thing we really decided about the wedding that he wanted to do." 

"If that was a ceremony," observed Today host Matt Lauer, "I don't know how you survived the honeymoon!"

Shakira eyeing duet with Robert Pattinson - Hollywood Bollywood News Movies

Colombian pop star Shakira is eyeing a musical collaboration with actor Robert Pattinson after falling in love with his vampire movie "Twilight".

The singer was introduced to "Twilight", after an executive at her record label noticed its themes are similar to those explored on her upcoming album, "She Wolf", reported 

"The president of my label said, `Have you checked out Twilight? It`s about wolves and vampires and things.` And I`m like, `Ah, that`s up my alley. I mean, where is it?` And I watched it and loved it," said Shakira. 

The singer then insisted that she would love to duet with Pattinson, who played piano and recorded vocals for two songs on the "Twilight" soundtrack: "I`ve heard he`s a great singer and a great musician."

Jude Law facing legal action over photographer assault incident - Hollywood Bollywood News Movies

Jude Law is facing legal action from a photographer whom he allegedly attacked outside a London restaurant recently.

The ‘Holiday’ star was surrounded by snappers as he exited Automat nightclub in the early hours of Thursday morning (July 23), and was pictured lashing out as he tried to get to his car.

The 36-year-old actor was accused of hitting Harsha Gopal on the head, and slapping her in the face when she tried to take his picture.

However, the Hollywood heartthrob has since denied the accusations.

"This is all nonsense. Last night`s incident was an accident. Jude was blinded by the camera flashes when he left the restaurant, raised his hand to shield himself and inadvertently struck somebody standing very close. He apologised and left. Pictures of this sort can often be misleading,” Contactmusic quoted a statement from his lawyer, Graham Shear, as saying.

However, Gopal reported the incident at Charing Cross police station on Thursday night. 

She told The London Paper, “I felt his hand come across my face... There was a massive thud and my face is still stinging.” 

A police spokesman said, "On the evening of Thursday, 23 July, a 28-year-old woman attended a central London police station to make an allegation of common assault. The woman alleges that she was assaulted by a man, aged in his 30s, earlier on 23 July. Westminster officers are investigating the allegation."

Megan Fox on `Jennifer`s Body`: It’s so sexy - Hollywood Bollywood News Movies

 Megan Fox has said that she thinks she’s looking hot in her new horror film Jennifer`s Body, which also happens to be “so sexy”. 

"I think I`m pretty sexy in it, the movie is SO sexy! You better put on your sexy shoes for this movie!" Us magazine quoted her as saying at the Comic-Con press conference for the movie.

The beauty revealed that the film contains a lesbian scene too.

“There`s sort of a hint of, a little bit of a lesbian relationship that happens. There`s a girl-on-girl kiss.

"And beyond that, before every kill there is a seduction that occurs, the boys have to be seduced to get in close enough to the dead girl in order for her to devour them,” she said.

The actress further described the film, she said: "It`s so unapologetic and completely inappropriate at all times."

Fox is also glad about robots not overshadowing her performance in the new film unlike her earlier movie ‘ Transformers’.

"There are no robots to distract you from whatever performance I do give. So if it`s terrible, you`re going to know that it’s terrible! 

“That of course is intimidating, but I think the character was so much fun for me. And I wasn`t really sure what I was doing. I was just trying to have fun with it.

"I sort of felt like I was being able to make fun of my own image, sort of, as to how some people might perceive Megan Fox to be. I was just sort of flying freely and I hope some of it worked."

Nicole Scherzinger is naturally `sexy` - Hollywood Bollywood News Movies

‘Pussycat Dolls’ star Nicole Scherzinger says she’s got a natural sex appeal.

The 31-year-old beauty insists that her sex appeal `shines from within` and has nothing to do with her flesh flashing outfits.

She believes that inner confidence makes her attractive to the opposite sex.

"Sexy is a confidence that comes from within so I don`t think you have to be all glammed and dolled up to be sexy,” Contactmusic quoted her as saying. 

“I think you could be naturally sexy with jeans and a T-shirt or a skirt. I don`t know if it`s like an inner sense of humour or just a light that shines from within.

"I take the attention from men as a compliment! I think that ultimately comes from a confidence which comes from within so yes, that confidence is empowering," she added.

Scherzinger, who’s dating F1 champ Lewis Hamilton, says that her self-assurance has grown since she joined the girl group in 2003.

"I definitely think the Pussycat Dolls has brought out an inner Pussycat within me. I feel like when I`m onstage and the lights come on, a different persona comes over me,” she said.

“And I just take on a whole other animal or beast. I don`t know if it`s in the lights or if it`s in the fans or just a combination of all of that, but I guess that`s when the Pussycat Doll comes out in me," she added.

Aishwarya-Abhishek planning parenthood by next year - Hollywood Bollywood News Movies

Aishwarya Rai is caught up in a flurry of activities, and her schedule seems to be getting busier by the day. From films to endorsement projects, her kitty cannot be fuller. All this activity hints at a preparation for leisure ahead, and sources have confirmed the news. It is being said that Aishwarya Rai and Abhishek Bachchan are planning to expand their family very soon, and are hence extra busy tying up the loose ends.

2008 had been a busy year for Ash and so is the running year. She has loads of projects in the discussion stage, production and post-production stage. But all has been planned in a way that by the end of 2010, she might become free from any professional commitments and move towards motherhood. 

Ash is keeping her diary totally empty next year so that she could devote her full time to the newborn, which is on the way. Helping her wrap up work quickly and supporting her is hubby darling Abhishek.

Recently a source revealed, "This no doubt is the busiest phase of Aishwarya`s career. Such a flurry of assignments has never been seen before in any married actress` life and she`d be foolish to let such opportunities slip by. Luckily, Abhishek is thoroughly supportive of her career. She wants to complete as many of these assignments as she can to before she becomes a mother. Because once she gets into that role she wouldn`t want any other distractions. That, Aishwarya is sure of.”

Hopefully Ash wouldn’t be too busy to let us have a glimpse of the baby-bump!

Dead Celebrities Crazy People Insist Are Still Alive But in Hiding - Hollywood Bollywood News Movies

When Michael Jackson died on June 25, it took about five minutes before some looney Internet junkie started blogging about how he's really not dead, he's just hiding. That's right, he faked his own death "to escape the crushing pressures of life in a fishbowl." (Thanks for the quote, Derek Klontz, "herbalist, author and journalist of international reach.")

But, of course, as anyone (who's completely certifiably insane and has seen Death Becomes Her too many times) can tell you, MJ wasn't the first celebrity to grow tired of all that fame and money and attention and decide to check out with a forged death certificate.

Here's a tribute to some of the others, wherever they're holed up.

1. Elvis Presley

Alleged Death: C'mon, do you really think the King of Rock 'n' Roll died on a toilet (like Danny Glover almost did in Lethal Weapon 2)? Hell no. There was no drug overdose. The King hated drugs. He was just burned out on the music biz, sick of performing, didn't get the whole disco thing, and wanted to spend more time pursuing his passion—law enforcement. So, naturally, he faked his own death.

Current Age: 74

Where he is now: Believe it or not, our sources tell us Elvis is still in Memphis, living in a subterranean lair hundreds of feet below Graceland. Out of this secret installation, he carries on the work President Nixon charged him with during his visit to the White House in 1970: He's a Federal Agent At-Large (very large, these days, with all those peanut butter 'n' banana sandwiches) in a clandestine division of the Bureau of Narcotics and Dangerous Drugs. Apparently, he vacations in—no joke—Las Vegas, which provides the perfect cover with all those Elvis impersonators. In fact, one of Paste's deep-cover reporters recently ran into old E at a Burger King not far from the strip. Halfway through his large fries, he turned to our man and said, "Could ya please pass the ketchup?"

2. Tupac Shakur

Alleged Death: Drive-by shooting after the Tyson/Seldon bout in 1996. Things were getting a little too hot with the Southside Crips for Tupac's tastes. This staged drive-by was to throw them off his trail, so he could go into hiding and begin leading a normal life, free from the fear of gang violence.

Current Age: 38

Where he is now: Once one of the most respected rappers in the game, Shakur's trade is still words. He's been living in a pilapa in rural Honduras, ghostwriting poetry books and lyrics for pretty much every rapper who's done anything decent in the last decade. He also produced the following short film under a pseudonym: Tupac is Not Dead.

3. Michael Jackson (I know, too soon)

Alleged Death: Cardiac arrest, possibly drug-induced.

Current Age: 50

Where he is now: The King of Pop is actually living with his favorite zebra and his famous sequined glove in former child star Corey Feldman's basement, where he pretends he's a life-sized action figure belonging to Corey. Sure, MJ had that luxury ranch, but after a while, he realized that he just preferred the dank anonymity of his old pal's basement, so he faked his own death to avoid all the bothersome tabloid coverage, and now he just hangs out down there until Corey takes him out to play tea party.

4. Jonathan Brandis and Roy Scheider

Alleged Deaths: Suicide; cancer. Cha, right.

Current Ages: 33; 76.

Where they are now: For years, while Scheider made less-than-stellar appearances in B movies like Jaws and The French Connection, his career seemed like it was going nowhere. But then came salvation in the form of acclaimed TV series seaQuest DSV, where—along with teen-heartthrob co-star Jonathan Brandis (who also starred alongside Chuck Norris in the classic coming-of-age film Sidekicks)—he finally realized his true potential, and along the way discovered a secret that would forever change his and Brandis' lives. During a shoot for seaQuest, animal co-star Darwin the Dolphin (whom they could communicate with on the show), actually began speaking with them when other cast and crew were not present. Paste's powerhouse investigative division, which, smartly, had several deep-cover reporters hiding under tarps on set, was able to break the news that Darwin told Scheider and Brandis (also a member of the famed "27 Club") that they had been chosen by Lord Quintron of the planet Vaxstar 9 to spend the rest of their lives entertaining the citizens of the Lost City of Atlantis. Though no explanation was given, Brandis' departure date was in 2003, and Scheider's in 2008. Now, the former co-stars have finally been reunited, and—after riding Darwin the Dolphin's back straight through a wormhole somewhere inside the New Jersey Parallelogram—are living the fine life, running a theater company in Atlantis.

Editor's Note: This entry was not supposed to be included in this list, but Paste Music Sales Director Nate Douglas (with a look in his eyes reminiscent of Jack Nicholson's freakiest scenes in The Shining) forced me to write it while he held a box cutter to my throat. "OK, fine on Scheider," I said, trying to compromise with him. "But why Brandis?" ... "Anyone," he said, "who can speak to dolphins and fight with Chuck Norris is obviously immortal."

5. D.B. Cooper

Alleged Death: Famed airline hijacker Cooper supposedly fell to his death after jumping out of an airplane strapped with $200,000 in ransom cash. Please. Just last year, the FBI found some of the ransom money and his parachute (or some kind of parachute) in the area where he reportedly made his jump.

Current Age: 81

Where he is now: One day, about a decade ago, Cooper crawled out of an East Nashville sewer, and walked up to Todd Snider's house, where the singer/songwriter was sitting on the porch picking guitar, and proceeded to tell him the whole story of the hijacking, which Snider turned into the song "D.B. Cooper." He also proceeded to explain that that the last thing he remembered before waking up in that sewer was hydroplaning toward oncoming headlights while making a break for the Mexican border in a hotwired Mustang convertible not long after his infamous jump. Yep, head-injury-induced amnesia. Ever since he showed up that day, he's been Snider's roommate. But keep it on the down-low—don't want the cops snooping around there.

6. Jim Morrison

Alleged Death: Accidental heroin overdose while living in Paris. Really? If Jim knew how to do anything, it was take drugs. Plus, there was all that fuss over the no-autopsy thing and the forged death certificate. I'm not buying it.

Current Age: 65

Where he is now: Morrison always referred romantically to Africa in his latter years, so after he faked his death, it was the first place he went. Of course, living in a decaying outpost in the Congo always sounds better in theory. Six months later, he returned to the States, bought a harmonica, a truckload of Budweiser, ten-thousand packages of Ho-Hos, a palette of lined composition books, and lit out for the Louisiana Bayou. The Budweiser was gone in a week, but Morrison rationed the Ho-Hos, which he still lives on (in addition to the occasional barbecued king snake), and can still be heard by the local swampfolk as he drifts in his fan boat blowing his harp and singing John Lee Hooker covers. The composition books were also put to use, but not how you might think. By 1975, Morrison realized he actually kinda sucked at the whole poetry thing, so he began writing children's books. After years of false starts, he finally had success publishing a series of fantasy novels under the name J.K. Rowling, and is pretty much set for life, even with the "living" Doors hogging all of his music royalties from songs they sold to car commercials. The former film student also makes the occasional talking-penis movie, though they aren't widely distributed, for obvious reasons.

7. Amelia Earhart (I know, too soon)

Alleged Death: It's hypothesized that Earhart ran out of fuel and her plane crashed in the ocean. But that's just what THE MAN wants you to think. See, THE MAN is all like, "Girls can't fly planes as good as guys can, because they're weak and stupid and inferior." Oh yeah, THE MAN? Then how did she totally fool your ass and fake her own death? Huh? Huh? Oh, what, no comeback? That's what I thought. ... Also, in later years, Earhart faked her death again, this time blaming "natural causes." Sly fox.

Current Age: 111

Where she is now: After years hiding in Tangiers after her famous flight, Earhart finally felt it was safe enough to resurface without being detected. She became an actress and took the name Estelle Getty. After Earhart/Getty's stint as Sophia on hit TV show The Golden Girls, Earhart continued to act for several years before retiring. In 2008, as Getty, she again faked her own death, and is now living on room service at the Holiday Inn Express in Paramus, N.J.

8. Jimmy Hoffa

Alleged Death: Stabbed in the head by mafia hitmen for being a shady-ass union boss who overstayed his welcome.

Current Age: 96

Where he is now: Hoffa actually made it into the witness protection program before the goon squad could get to him. I can't tell you where he lives (since I don't want to blow his cover), but I can tell you this: Jimmy Hoffa is hands-down the most charming door greeter I've ever met at a Wal-Mart.

9. Jimi Hendrix and The Ultimate Warrior

Alleged Deaths: Guitar legend Hendrix supposedly choked on his own vomit; former WWF champ The Ultimate Warrior, it was rumored (at my elementary school back in the late '80s), died of a steroid heart attack and was replaced by an imposter.

Current Ages: 66 (Hendrix), 50 (The Ultimate Warrior)

Where they are now: Hendrix did choke on his vomit, several times, but it never killed him. That last time, it almost did, but he'd eaten so much acid that, at the last second, he was able to teletransport himself to Europa, one of Jupiter's four largest moons, by simply clicking his boots together and playing "Somewhere Over the Rainbow" on his Flying V. There he's remained ever since, spending his time eating even more acid and playing guitar (duh, the acoustics on Europa are totally rad). Not long after he transported there, he ran into the young Ultimate Warrior, who was preparing for his journey to Earth, where he hoped to get into the pro-wrestling game. Ever notice that when they used to introduce Ultimate Warrior he was from "Parts Unknown?" Yep, that was Europa. In the late '80s, the original Warrior actually was replaced by an imposter, but not because of a steroid heart attack (the guy is an alien with super-strength... like he needs steroids). He simply missed Europa, and hanging out with his buddy Jimi Hendrix, so he returned home, where the two started a White Stripes-style guitar-and-drums duo with Warrior on kit and vocals, and Hendrix—of course—on guitar.

10. Andy Kaufman

Alleged Death: Lung cancer. Ha. Andy, always a kidder.

Current Age: 60

Where he is now: Kaufman, after pulling the ultimate douchebag prank—pretending to have cancer and die, all as a joke—began resurfacing in the guise of his alter-ego, Tony Clifton. Here he is playing himself playing Clifton in the movie Man on the Moon. After a while, though, Andy grew tired of that character and now performs mainly as the lead singer of the Jonas Brothers.

11. Keith Richards (pictured at top)

Alleged Death: Died of an infection after accidentally dropping 20 pounds of heroin on his foot.

Current Age: 65

Where he is now: Contrary to popular belief, Keith Richards is not dead. He is undead, and still touring with the Stones. That story about the the 20 pounds of heroin and the foot infection is an urban legend. Though, on several occasions, Richards has almost died from waking up and snorting the ashes of his own charred flesh after falling asleep smoking in bed. But he's survived every time—'cause he's fucking undead.

One Hit Wonders That The World Never Needed - Hollywood Bollywood News Movies

Remember the good old days, when a band had one huge, multi-platinum hit, and then you'd never hear from them again? Well, those days are not entirely over just yet - and while we are forced to suffer the musings of the Jonas Brothers right now - it does seem like the really huge one hit wonders (not associated w/ American Idol) are a bit less common. They are some of the strangest, and most annoying one hit wonders that ascended to the top of the charts when, in retrospect, the only excuse we have is that we were A) doing a lot of acid at the time, or B) not really paying attention to music when this all happened. The following is a list of Thirteen One Hit Wonders the world simply never needed. 

Eiffel 65 – Blue (Da Ba Dee) (1999)

When boy bands were topping the charts in the late 1990’s, Italian Europop group Eifel 65 was introducing the world to a dance track about their beloved color blue. The band reportedly went on to remix this song over 15 times. The band's most notable contribution to the American music scene was coining the term “Europop,” the genre which that has become synonymous with shinny shirts and dancing, sweaty men. Fortunately, Eiffel 65 never achieved the same level of success as they did with “Blue (Da Ba Dee),” and in 2006 decided to call it quits.

 Sisqo – The Thong Song (1999) 

No one was more cool in the summer of 1999, than the silver haired, R&B artist jumping around on the beach singing about girls underwear. This song introduced a whole generation of women to the comfort of assless underwear, and solidified the reputation of MTV’s 50-year-old executives as America’s collective creepy step-uncle. After "The Thong Song", Sisqo's solo career fell off. In 2008, Sisqo tried to R&B group, Dru Hill for a renunion tour, and in a radio interview to announce this, he subeqeuntly got in a fistfight with his bandmates, and the band broke up again.

Lou Bega – Mambo No. 5 (1999)

Surprisingly “Mambo No 5” at one point reached #3 on the Billboard top 100. American listeners should be proud that this song came and went quickly because Bega’s song reached the #1 spot in France, where it stayed for 20 weeks. Currently Lou Bega is continuing to try and produce music with a Latin vibe. He remains popular in old folks homes where he has been rumored to make appearances every once and a while, but unfortunately many of his listeners think he’s singing about a new boner pill called Schlambo No. 5.

Tag Team – Whoop! (There it is) 1993

If you attended any sporting event in the mid 1990’s, chances are you heard and quietly mouthed Tag Team’s “Whoop! (There it is)" at least once. You may have even been guilty of singing this song and doing the Arsenio Hall fist pump at the same time. I guess if you write a hit as big as Whoop!, you don’t have to write another one, or in the case of Tag Team you don’t even try. After this was released in 1993, the only thing Tag Team did was continue to remix their one hit. If this move was premeditated, then this is what you call the pinnacle of music artistry: write one song, cash in forever. 

Kris Kross – Jump (1992)

After being discovered in an Atlanta Mall by record producer Jermaine Dupree, the rap duo consisting of Chris “Mac Daddy” Kelly and Chris “Daddy Mac” Smith went on to sell four million copies of their debut CD. Subsequently the two fell off the map in 1996 after the release of their second and final record. Rumors regarding the duo have recently surfaced about their new outfit, "Trytone.” They have supposedly performed in a small Los Angeles club called la Conga, and they are still continuing to wear backwards clothes. Furthermore, Chris Kelly has his own label that focuses on under aged rappers and Chris Smith is reportedly homeless and focusing on neo-soul.

Uncle Kracker – Follow Me (2001) 

Matthew Shaffer, aka Uncle Kracker was best known as Kid Rock’s DJ until he released his first solo record in 2001. His single “Follow Me” peaked at #7 on the Billboard top 200. Uncle Kracker could not repeat the success of his first record and in 2007 was arrested and charged with rape. Supposedly he never got the memo that he wasn’t a big enough star to force someone to have sex with him.


Vanilla Ice – Ice Ice Baby (1990) 

Rob Van Winkle, splashed on to the urban pop scene in 1990 with his multi-platinum, “Ice Ice Baby.” It was the first rap song to reach #1 on the Billboard top 100. What followed for Rob was a live album and terrible movie career. He was eventually sued for sampling Queen, and shook down by glass-jawed, gangster rap mogul Suge Knight. Van Winkle was never able to repeat the success of his first single. He currently is known for his violent outbursts on reality TV and was recently arrested on suspicion of domestic violence. 

Soft Cell – Tainted Love (1982)

Soft Cell's single “Tainted Love” achieved success by reaching the #1 spot in 17 different countries around the world. It then went on to set a Guiness World record for longest stay on the Billboard top 100 at 43 weeks. Then the band started writing non-hits. Constant drug use eventually took its toll and the band broke up. In and out of rehab the band finally collaborated again in the 1990’s and eventually reunited to play shows in the early 2000’s, unfortunately the word “taint” had taken on a whole new meaning by then and new listeners thought they were a musical comedy group.

Crazy Town – Butterfly (2001) 

Crazy Town’s single “Butterfly” received heavy rotation on MTV and eventually reached the #1 spot on the Billboard charts. While at OZZfest, Crazy Town was kicked off the tour after being arrested for a drug and alcohol-induced tantrum. In the mid 2000’s there were rumors flying around the tabloids of lead rapper, Shifty Shellshock’s death. The rumors unfortunately turned out to be false, and the band is supposedly working on their follow up called “Crazy Town is Back.” Currently you can catch Shifty on a Rehab reality show making pretend suicide threats from a non-disclosed crawl space in Dr. Drew’s office.

4 Non Blondes – What’s Up (1993) 

4 Non Blondes sold over 5 million copies of the debut CD with the strength of their first single “What’s Up.” Lead singer, Linda Perry knew she was the real talent in the band, and shortly after the band's initial success, decided to pursue a solo career. Perry's homeless geriatric look had little appeal and her career failed miserably. Humbled by the lack of public interest in her solo material she began to write for others artists, presumably for commercials. 

Haddaway – What is Love (1993)

This song became the soundtrack to Will Ferrell’s biggest breakout role in Night at the Roxbury. What is Love” was the only hit for this Erotic Caribbean Dance Club performer who's current whereabouts are unknown. Though Haddaway released two other records in the 1990’s, further success proved elusive. Not much is known about this artist; but, rumors suggest he is never far from a shirtless. a club and/or an appletini. 

Ugly Kid Joe – Every Thing About You (1993)

Starting out as a college band at UCSB, Ugly Kid Joe quickly became a local favorite at frat and sorority parties in the surrounding area. By 1993 they had a #3 hit on their hands, as the country embraced their pre-BROish frat boy rock. Luckily for radio listeners their next semi-hit was a cover, “Cats in the Cradle.” Soon after their popularity diminished in America, and they would go on to find solace in the arms of western Europeans. This however, proved to short-lived as well, and by 1997 no one ever had to listen to their music again…until the drummer started Godsmack which continues to hurt our ears to this day. 

EMF – Unbelievable (1991)

It's ironic, that after writing such a memorable song, no one can remember who wrote the song “Unbelievable.” Well, the band is EMF, and this song quickly found success in climbing the music charts in America and the UK. Soon after, the band soon faded into oblivion, never to be heard from again.

The 15 Most Annoying Movies Yet to Come Out in 2009 - Hollywood Bollywood News Movies

2009 is halfway done, and while there have been a fair share of annoying movies to come out, we’ve only just begun. Here is a list of the 15 Most Annoying Movies Yet to Come Out in 2009. 

15. The Ugly Truth

Stars: Katherine Heigl, Gerard Butler

Release: July 24th

IMDB’s Plot: A macho morning TV show correspondent (Butler) makes a bet with his love-challenged producer (Heigl): If his tips on how to land and keep a guy don’t work, he’ll quit the business. But while he coaches her through a fledgling romance, can he avoid falling for her, and vice versa?

Why It Looks Annoying: The answer to the question in that plot summary’s last sentence: Yes. Yes, he can, and she can, and they should. Also, Katherine Heigl. If I could put her and Jordin Sparks in a cement car and push them out into the Atlantic, uhwould.

14. Alvin and the Chipmunks: The Squeakquel

Stars: Jason Lee, Zachary Levi, Drew Barrymore

Release: Christmas Day

IMDB’s Plot: Plot unknown. Ed. Note: It’s Chipmunks Doin’ Sh*t.

Why It Looks Annoying: Merry Christmas, Universe! Off to get a hysterectomy to ensure that no child ever, ever forces me to sit through this.

Top 13 Most Annoying Movie Releases to Come Out in ‘09 Ahead!

13. Spread

Stars: Ashton Kutcher, Anne Heche, Margarita Levieva

Release: August 14th

IMDB’s Plot: In Los Angeles, Nikki (Kutcher) is a sexual grafter who uses his assets to enjoy the city’s richest women and their lifestyle. Soon he finds himself torn between two very different women: Samantha (Heche), a lawyer who gives Nikki more than he’s ever had before, and Heather (Levieva), a waitress and equally savvy grafter in her own right.

Why It Looks Annoying: Wait, Ashton Kutcher plays “a sexual grafter who uses his assets to enjoy the city’s richest women and their lifestyle”? Are they sure the title of this movie isn’t actually A&E Biography: Ashton Kutcher? And as though the movie itself isn’t annoying enough, Ashton’s 4,800 ghost tweets just waiting to be written will be the icing on the shnozzle. Though the name Margarita Levieva is both delicious sounding and possibly a home remedy of some sort.

12. Thirst

Stars: Kang-ho Song, Ok-vin Kim

Release: July 31st

IMDB’s Plot: A failed medical experiment turns a man of faith into a vampire with a taste for more than just blood. Taking a lover, the couple’s desires turn them into mass murderers.

Why It Looks Annoying: “A failed medical experiment turns a man of faith into a vampire…” Vampires? Say no more! I’m sold! (fake laughter) But seriously, movie studios, let’s make a deal: You stop making vampire movies*, and I’ll stop buying senior citizen tickets to every single thing you put out. Deal? Great. *Unless of course it’s a movie about The Count, in which case 7. I will buy 7 tickets.

11. The Goods: Live Hard, Sell Hard

Stars: Jeremy Piven, Ving Rhames, David Koechner

Release: August 14th

IMDB’s Plot: Used-car liquidator Don Ready (Piven) is hired by a flailing auto dealership to turn their Fourth of July sale into a majorly profitable event.

Why It Looks Annoying: I hate to rag on a Will Ferrell-produced, Neal Brennan-directed movie, considering both guys are pretty genius, but here goes: It just isn’t trying. Jeremy Piven, taking a huge career 180, plays a fast-talking ace who’s a total ass but no one cares because he’s such a fast-talking ace. It’s like they swapped the racing uniforms from Talladega Nights with short-sleeved button downs, m-bated into a typewriter, and poof: The Goods. Also, going against Hollywood’s racist standards, there is a real Asian guy and he is Asian and Asians.

10. The Final Destination

Stars: Nick Zano, Krista Allen, Andrew Fiscella

Release: August 28th

IMDB’s Plot: After Hunt’s (Zano) premonition of a deadly race-car crash helps saves the lives of his peers, Death sets out to collect those who evaded their fate.

Why It Looks Annoying: So they’re just calling it “The” Final Destination now? Does that mean it’s the final Final Destination? Not likely. I’m sure the next one will just be called Finally, A Destination or Are We There Yet? Yet Being The Destination? or just Great, Another F*cking Destination. Also, what has Death got against C-list actors who managed to evade the porn industry? I say pat em on the sack, Death, don’t put em in a bodybag.

9. Sorority Row

Stars: Briana Evigan, Rumer Willis, Carrie Fisher

Release Date: September 11th

IMDB’s Plot: A group of sorority girls pledge to keep mum on the accidental death of one of their sisters; after graduation, however, they find themselves stalked by a serial killer who seems bent on eliminating anyone who knows their secret.

Why It Looks Annoying: This is the second worst thing to ever happen on September 11th.

8. G-Force

Stars: Will Arnett, Penélope Cruz, Zach Galifianakis

Release: July 24th

IMDB’s Plot: A specially trained squad of guinea pigs is dispatched to stop a diabolical billionaire from taking over the world. 

Why It Looks Annoying: Sure, it’s got an incredible cast, one star short of Richard Gere. And yeah, it’s, you know, for kids, but so was the hula hoop in The Hudsucker Proxy, and look how genius that idea turned out to be. But hear this, Hollywood: We’re not just gonna eat up any CGI’d piece of garbage you happen to churn out. And as Intern Zack points out, the Power Rangers already sorta covered this territory. The Power Rangers. If there’s something more annoying than that, we don’t know what it is.

7. Jennifer’s Body

Stars: Megan Fox, Amanda Seyfried, Adam Brody

Release: September 18th

IMDB’s Plot: A cheerleader at a small midwestern high school becomes possessed by a demon and sets out to kill off all the guys in town.

Why It Looks Annoying: This is the second film written by Oscar-winning Juno scribe Diablo Cody. While that right there is reason enough to set your face on fire, let’s take a closer look. Juno starred Ellen Page, improviser of that “shenanigans” line, and an actress who is much less plastic, much smarter, and slightly less annoying (as long as she isn’t singing “Don’t Stop Believing”) than Megan Fox, an actress we can barely stand even when her voice is being drowned out by cacophonous grinding robo-noises.

To be fair, it may be certifiably annoying in 2009, but the fact that this movie features music from Panic at the Disco and Dashboard Confessional proves that it will be the Most Successful Teen Film of 2006.

6. Fame

Stars: Kelsey Grammer, Bebe Neuwirth, Megan Mullally

Release Date: September 25th

IMDB’s Plot: A remake of the 1980s musical centered on the teachers and students at the prestigious New York City High School of Performing Arts.

Why It Looks Annoying: Kelsey Grammer, Bebe Neuwirth, Megan Mullally. Read, repeat. Looking over this movie’s cast — namely Kelsey Grammer and Bebe Neuwirth — gave me a glimmer of hope that this is just an elaborate cover-up for the all new, original blockbuster musical adaptation of Frasier we’ve all been hoping for. In other words, I will see this 6 times at a minimum, but only if it includes this.

5. Capitalism: A Love Story

Stars: Michael Moore

Release: October 2nd

IMDB’s Plot: Documentary filmmaker Michael Moore sets out to uncover the truth behind the current economic crisis with interviews from Wall Street and government insiders.

Why It Looks Annoying: Look out for Michael Moore’s 2010 movie More Like Republi-can’ts, Am I Right, Guys? High-Five.

4. Precious

Stars: Gabourey ‘Gabby’ Sidibe, Mo’Nique, Paula Patton

Release: November 6th

IMDB’s Plot: In Harlem, an overweight, illiterate teen (Sidibe) who is pregnant with her second child is invited to enroll in an alternative school in hopes that her life can head in a new direction.

Why It Looks Annoying: This movie is more annoying on a physical level, as clearly I will weep out every ounce of moisture Did I say annoying? Because what I meant to say was “Holy sh*t, it’s like I forgot how to cry until I saw Precious.” Expect to look like J Tandy upon exiting this film from lack of body hydration.

3. The Twilight Saga: New Moon

Stars: Kristen Stewart, Robert Pattinson, Taylor Lautner

Release: November 20th

IMDB’s Plot: When Bella’s blood is shed at her birthday celebration, Edward’s intense reaction to the event causes his parents to pull up stakes and leave Forks, Washington for the sake of the young lovers. Heartbroken, Bella finds a form of comfort in reckless living, as well as an even-closer friendship with Jacob Black (Lautner). Danger in different forms awaits.

Why It Looks Annoying: Please note that the pivotal moment in this movie, according to the trailer, occurs when Kristen Stewart gets a paper cut. A paper cut. Please read that again — here it is: a paper cut – and tell me you honestly want to see this movie. I would much rather see the movie created by comedian, friend and blogger Jon Friedman, called Wolf Teen. It’s about a pack of wolves where one turns into a teen. Wait, f**k, they’re making it now.

2. Brothers

Stars: Jake Gyllenhaal, Natalie Portman, Tobey Maguire

Release: December 4th

IMDB’s Plot: Sam Cahill (Maguire) returns from being held as a prisoner-of-war in Afghanistan to find that his ex-con brother (Gyllenhaal) has become the man, of sorts, of the household where Sam’s wife, Grace (Portman) had been living under the assumption that she was a widow.

Why It Looks Annoying: The beginning of the trailer starts off as obvious Oscar bait: some slow piano music, Jake Gyllenhaal walking in the snow, quiet flirting over some illegal drugs. It’s all very big-studio-but-still-indie-feeling. But then Tobey Maguire wakes up and suddenly sh*t gets real. And by “real”, we mean it cascades into melodramatic nonsense complete with spine-chilling drum beats before finishing with some slow piano music to remind us that, after all, this is an Oscar movie. Note: We will see it because we live in a world where director Jim Sheridan does no wrong.

1. Bandslam

Stars: Alyson Michalka, Vanessa Hudgens, Gaelan Connell

Release: August 14th

IMDB’s Plot: An outcast (Connell) bonds with the popular girl on campus (Michalka) over their shared love of music, and together they decide to form a rock group and enter their school’s upcoming battle of the bands competition.

Why It Looks Annoying: Here to explain why Bandslam might actually be THE most annoying movie release of 2009 is comedian and MTV writer Anonymous Jones, who had the pleasure of attending an advanced screening and apparently is not allowed to disclose his/her name.

Three Reasons Why Bandslam Is The Most Annoying Film of Either the 20th or 21st Century by Anonymous Jones:

First of all, the name of the band in the film is called “I Can’t Go On, I’ll Go On”. Sort of like “I Didn’t Want to See This Movie, I Saw This Movie”. The second major problem is that there’s a main character who “doesn’t do why.” She doesn’t like any “why” questions. This provides her with all of the annoying qualities of both a poorly written character and a terrible journalist. Lastly, Davie Bowie makes a cameo appearance during which he writes a MySpace message. I Didn’t Just Throw Up, I Just Threw Up.