Seven Transformation Pack 3.0

Seven Transformation Pack 3.0

Seven Transformation Pack - the most famous program for transforming Windows XP/2003 in Windows 7. Transparent window clearance for Windows 7, cayd bar, the theme from the Aero. After installation you will create the impression that you are running Windows 7.

Changes Seven Transformation Pack 3.0:
- Changes to add a new boot screen (Boot screen);
- New welcome screen (Welcome Screen / Logon Screen);
- New files visual styles;
- New icons on the desktop, control panel, and files;
- New indicators tasks (copying, performance, etc.);
- A new sound scheme and new wallpapers;
- New system tray icon;
- Some popular features of Windows 7.
- And much more!

The program can be installed in both the English and another language version of Windows, system language does not change. Installer package in English.


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